Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

THIS VALENTINE'S DAY, James & I put a limit on how much we were going to spend on each other. There were two valid reasons for the spending cap. First we're trying to save every penny for the wedding and second, I wanted to see how creative we, okay James, could get on $20.00. The results were impressive.

James made me a wonderful dinner of chicken cordon blue, corn, and basanti rice. He also purchased a tort from the local Lithuanian bakery. Unfortunately, I don't know how good it is because he bought it on the way to my house and I keep forgetting to bring it to his place. But that's okay, we'll just have a delayed dessert. Yummy. The best part of him making me dinner was that he made me go upstairs and have a nap while he cooked. I couldn't ask for more.

My gift to him was the candy bar bouquet pictured above. I wanted to do a cookie bouquet, but let's face it, I'm lazy and he likes candy bars as much as he likes cookies. Besides, I think I did a smashing job and all the other men that have seen it have been insanely jealous, so I think that's validation to my gift giving skills.

James's final gift of the evening was to rent a love story for me. He surprised me with Nick and Norah's Infinite Play list. Cute movie, but not exactly an ooey gooey love story. I've yet to get him to watch a real chick flick. I suppose there's always next year.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

MMMM that candy bar boquet looks mighty tasty. James is a lucky guy!!