Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Aftermath of a Blizzard

Last night we had a blizzard. I've survived two of them now and this time, I was smart enough not to go outside or try to drive ANYWHERE. When we woke up this morning, here's what we found.

Luckily, today is James's day off and he tried to dig me out so that I could get to work. Unfortunately (or fortunately) there was too much snow and we couldn't get the Mini out of our parking space. So here I am, working or blogging or whatever from home today.

The last chapter to our morning is what a pansy this little guy is

General would only go outside long enough to do his business and in the course of that the silly dog kept running up to the door and whining to be let in. I thought he'd had a grand old time being outside and running through the snow (yesterday, he played in the eight inches we got), but today, he would have none of it. I do have a pansy little house dog. Here is the one picture I could get of him outside while James shoveled our walk and the neighbor's walk.


Chantalita said...

What a GREAT picture of General - his big eyes just looking at you. You captured it so well.

What a sweet guy your husband is to (1) shovel and (2) shovel the neighbors walk.

Levi and Cassie Mallory Family said...

we had a snow day here on tuesday. we got 8 inches over night. it's the first one un 32 years, or so I hear